Immigrant families of children with disability

4 Ottobre 2015


This work’s thesis which provides the opportunity for social inclusion is developed from mainly pedagogical reflections as well is completed by law regulations.
The scarcity and lack of knowledge of the issues related to this issue with reference to the immigrant school population with disabilities in Italy and specifically in the Venice territory represents a risk factor that is influencing Double Exclusion of immigrant pupils “bearer of ethnic differences “, as well pupils with disabilities.Foreign students have the same “special needs” of the other students but with the ” disadvantage” to know a different language. The “different culture” as well as the scant preparation of the figures that are responsible of the inclusion (even the Expert centers) on the topics of the intercultural approach to disability, are variables that venture not only not to give concrete answers to the social inclusion but also to influence in the functional diagnosis of foreign students.Then, the language also dares to affect the diagnosis, especially when it concerns to distinguish between difficulties, linguistic misunderstandings and specific learning disabilities (Italian acronym -DSA). This set of considerations also takes into consideration the political level; this one is understood in terms of the political nature of the scientific discourse, in virtue of the close relationship between “cultural differences” and “SEN“.

TAG: "stato speciale", alunni stranieri, barriere, deficit, Esclusione, Famiglia, immigrazione
CAT: Scienze Naturali

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